GUOJIAO1573 · Australian Open Commemorative Edition

A special edition designed to celebrate Luzhou Laojiao’s partnership with the Australian Open, marking an important step in bringing the aroma of inspiration to the international communities. As the only official baijiu designated for the Australian Open, it is the internationalized, fashionable and young representative of Chinese baijiu, as well as the symbol of the integration of Chinese and western cultures.

GUOJIAO1573 · Australian Open Commemorative Edition
GUOJIAO1573 · Australian Open Commemorative Edition

In 2019, Luzhou Laojiao reached a strategic cooperation with the Australian Open. GUOJIAO1573 · Australian Open Commemorative Edition was brewed specifically for commemorating the long history and rich connotation of both parties, showcasing the same quality of life and fashion as Tennis. It’s a product combining high-end collectable baijiu and top tennis tournament in the world.

Bottled in the same classic bottle as GUOJIAO1573, GUOJIAO1573· Australian Open Commemorative Edition showcases the blue color of Australian Open as its key color. With a golden Tennis ball on top, establishing fashionable design with a sports aesthetic.

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